The Moot Project came about when Hennie Mostert and Johan Oberholster came together in July 2022 and joined forces. Hennie has already been involved in the Moot for years to clean a variety of places on his own, and Johan, due to circumstances after a long and serious illness due to Covid-19, carries a lower workload and for the first time in many years had time available to devote to community activities. So, he started to have parts of Pierneef Street cleaned and repaired himself.


We do not allow any complaining and negativity on our platform and only projects are identified, solutions and work discussed and recognition given to efforts to improve the Moot Environment. We are also willing to work with any institution or person, regardless whether it is the public or private sector, young or old, female or male, black or white, as long as they strive together to make the Moot area a neat, clean and changing safe environment. We therefore also join hands with Tshwane and our councilors in the area to get the best possible results for the Moot area. Of course, all of us have, and rightfully so, frustrations. But we prefer to be part of solving the problems and jump in ourselves to change the situation. If you feel that this is exclusively the work of the state, just ask yourself the following question: “How has this approach, thus far, worked out for your area?”


Many people state, rightly so, that they already pay rates and taxes to fund all of these services, and this is true. Perhaps the way to look at it is this: Your tax money funds the SAPS, but you hire a private security company instead, because you are not satisfied with the SA police service’s response times. Even though your tax money also makes medical services available, many people take out medical aid to ensure that you get the service that you want in a private hospital. Likewise, municipalities only provide very basic services for a variety of reasons, and if you want to live in a nicer and better environment, you either have to fix it yourself to the standard you prefer, or pay someone else to do it. The Moot Project aims to establish the desired standard with a combination of DIY and funding.


Our approach is therefore to be part of the solution and answer. Together we can do more! To be part of the Moot Project, you can send your name and surname to 0762594114 (the number of our Whatsapp group). As mentioned before, we discuss projects etc. on this Whatsapp group. Our approach is theoretically underpinned by the Broken Window Theory, which was applied with great success in New York in the USA. In short, it means that if the small things are fixed first, the big improvements will automatically follow in time. The theory also assumes that neat areas give an indication that the residents of the area care and are aware of what is going on around them. This in turn leads to reduced crime levels.