Keep the street in front of your home and/or business clean. Be proud of your sidewalk!

Help with the Moot Project’s monthly scrubbing sessions (once-off intensive cleaning actions in an identified problem area).

If you see something dilapidated in your surroundings (for example a bus stop, traffic light pole, dirty pavement etc.), and it is within your means, please clean it and restore it within the existing municipal colour palette and as it was before.

Remove unwanted stickers and posters as soon as they go up. Note that estate agents’ posters may legally be displayed from 12:00 on Friday afternoon to 12:00 on Monday afternoon. After that you can remove them because it is illegal and punishable by a fine of R10,000.

Be positive and make a difference.

Motivate others around you and be an example to them.

Don’t just complain, be part of the solution, take action and make a difference!

As previously mentioned, our approach is theoretically underpinned by the Broken Window Theory, which was applied with great success in New York in the USA. In short, it means that if the small things are fixed first, the big improvements will automatically follow in time. The theory also assumes that neat areas give an indication that the residents of the area care and are aware of what is going on around them. This in turn leads to reduced crime levels.